How to Use Father Time in a Sentence
Father Time
The hard part comes next, from Mother Nature and Father Time.
—Mark Zeigler, San Diego Union-Tribune, 7 Apr. 2022
But the show served as a harsh reminder that even our most beloved singers can’t always escape the ravages of Father Time.
—Dallas News, 18 May 2022
The Mets’ postseason lasted three games this year and could last no longer next year, if Father Time catches up to the aces.
—Bill Shaikin, Los Angeles Times, 21 Dec. 2022
Will this idea of battling with Father Time be explored throughout the season?
—Demetrius Patterson, The Hollywood Reporter, 24 Jan. 2024
There is no better time to start fighting Father Time than today!
—Grooming Playbook, The Salt Lake Tribune, 9 June 2022
File under: Greats giving Father Time a run for his money.
—Mirjam Swanson, Orange County Register, 16 July 2024
If that surprises anyone, Father Time would like a word after class.
—Kevin Paul Dupont,, 15 Feb. 2023
Season hinges on Stephen Curry’s ability to hold back Father Time.
—Taylor Kate Brown,, 3 Dec. 2020
There’s the Father Time factor to consider as well, as there’s no way of knowing how long James or Curry can stay elite enough to make these sorts of power plays worthwhile.
—Sam Amick, The Athletic, 13 Aug. 2024
Grueling in-cage battles of attrition leave the body with less to give each time, and even the safest fighters will eventually lose to Father Time.
—Washington Post, 17 Apr. 2020
For the novitiate dad, reading parts of Father Time feels a bit like having your life narrated by David Attenborough.
—Dan Piepenbring, Harper's Magazine, 30 Mar. 2024
Really, the guy’s just not playing fair, now on the verge of turning 66 and still master of a sport designed to torment every age group, still kicking Father Time’s derriere.
—Kevin Paul Dupont,, 6 July 2023
But Father Time seemingly didn’t catch up to Jordan’s masterful skills on the court through his early-to-mid 50s, according to Biyombo.
—Dana Scott, The Arizona Republic, 24 Jan. 2023
However, Father Time is undefeated, and there were still five seasons to go.
—Dan Freedman, Forbes, 28 Nov. 2023
Faris blamed Father Time for not continuing in a 2019 interview with Andy Cohen.
—Bruce Haring, Deadline, 20 July 2024
For so many athletes who have fought back from injury or fought back Father Time or fought off retirement with one last turn at their sport, the very act of making the field qualifies as victory.
—Globe Staff,, 28 Aug. 2023
Whether due to the lingering effects of a hamstring injury that he's been nursing since last year or Father Time, Harden no longer has the consistent burst to blow by defenders and get to the basket.
—Bryan Toporek, Forbes, 6 May 2022
Even before Tuesday morning, Woods had already been facing down the undefeated foe of Father Time.
—NBC News, 24 Feb. 2021
In what’s typically billed as a young person’s genre, Em defeated Father Time and has remained a commercial powerhouse for more than 25 years.
—Michael Saponara, Billboard, 24 July 2024
Vinatieri, for whatever reason -- injury, confidence, Father Time? -- lost his ability to make short kicks.
—Jim Ayello, The Indianapolis Star, 12 Oct. 2020
But earlier this year, the now-industrial mechanic for a sugar beet factory in North Dakota decided to defy his family and Father Time.
—Mark Heim |, al, 12 Nov. 2022
Meanwhile, Father Time is often depicted holding his scythe, signifying that every moment is fleeting.
—Julia Binswanger, Smithsonian Magazine, 13 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'Father Time.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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